Is this much happiness allowed?
I ask myself, as my friends and I race down a winding country road along the Côte d'Azur coastline in Southern France. The sunroof was open, inviting brilliant sunlight to dance off our shades. We turn up Bastille and roll down the windows to let the wind play with our hair.

Is this much happiness allowed?
I ask myself, as my girlfriends and I casually lick 3 gorgeous melting, dripping, double scoop Rose and Pistachio Gelatos on our way to Rome. We were taking a languid stroll back from the Vatican city after an early morning mass with Pope Francis himself! My only source of anxiety that day was that it was hot and my ice cream was melting onto my fingers. Sigh... La Dolce Vita

Will I be allowed to be this happy again?
I ask myself, as I cuddle under my soft duvet with Margaret Atwood and a glass of hot milk.
People say that happiness does not lend itself to be allowed or forbidden, because happiness is an inner choice. But seldom do circumstances conspire so beautifully to make that choice so easy. Happiness, or high levels of it, is therefore in some measure permitted by circumstances. When the stars will align again, I do not know. So I'm learning to collect moments, not things; to treasure the fleeting present, feel as much as I can and then make memories of it For I am not sure when I can feel such joy again. Mum says this is as good as it gets. Maybe she is right, but I can't wait to see.
Have a good week everyone!
Back to exams for me, then back to Singapore, back to real life.
Have a good week everyone!
Back to exams for me, then back to Singapore, back to real life.
Above: Hannah from Vienna or Bird?

Above: leaning on leaning tower

Above: leaning on leaning tower
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