Hey ladies,
How are you doing?
These two weeks have been the most intense, eventful and mysterious since I've come home. I feel vaguely astonished with the world, with the newness and strangeness of it all- I haven't felt this way since primary 5. When was the last time you felt surprised by life? The idea that you are alive, the absurdity of occurrences, the curve-balls and the blessings...
You think you have figured it out, you've got structure and routine, control. Then one day you intentionally get lost, and in time you find that you were always lost.
Maybe you are starting a new chapter, maybe you are doing new things. Maybe you are doing the same things, but with different mindsets. These will certainly make life interesting, surprising even! The wacky events of the past two weeks have revealed to me the amazing things that can be learnt from adventures and (mis)adventures. This post is dedicated to the spirit of children; about looking at the world anew, curious and in awe.
Here are some photos of our trip to Vesuvious, Herculaneum and Capri (That's in Italy)!
enroute to capri and looking like Micahel Jackson
<3 Stunning capriiiii
I think we can all say it was an unforgettable dinner
This is a resident of Capri. He says he is Venetian. Check out his beautiful eyes, size 5 times of mine.
it was really hot!
In the cave... turquoise waters?
And that pretty much SUMS IT UP! (: Steffi here was a little dizzy. Still, look at that girly smile! (:
An entire class of students approached us girls to take pictures and chat! They were from Sardinia and gave us pretty postcards!
After we went for mass, we went to a little heaven with this gelato
And here we are at Vesuvius, the death of Pompeii. This is our American Joe Guida. Guida is guide in Italian. However he was not a good guide. Somehow we just clicked! He's real funny, and I was kept amused for the entire trip. Loved talking to him! Joe Guida was with all of us at Capri too! He is lying on the floor.
Everyone here is resting from a herculean climb up one of Capri's slopes. Hannah is the most tired. Steffi is ultra fit and healthy. I am wearing wrong clothes. The Japanese men were very healthy!
Hannah and I at Herculaneum (The other city besides Pompeii that got ruined)
And that is all!! (:

Yayy! MSF is launching their new vests which are really pretty lovely... and maybe we can all agree to that.
Will update more when I have time. Thank you for all the letters and queries (': Will reply to them one by one. Till next time!
Peace and love
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