This post is dedicated to square pegs in round holes; about culture shock and fitting in; about the internal dialogue I host about the magic and malaise of the western dating culture.

How does the Nottingham dating scene differ from back home?
Here, the youths permit themselves to love.
It is beautiful to observe the overflow of warmth and feeling. Nights here buzz with palpable attraction and endless possibilities. Most live unashamed of their physical passions; they do not despise their desires. They party like rockstars, drink like fishes, make-out, have fun and wear their hearts on their sleeve. There is less stigma, less sexual fear. It is as though the community has implicitly agreed to put aside mutual judging in order to protect the institution of love and it's numerous, random, passionate manifestations. To Live and let live.
The culture is seductively liberal. Yet while we recognise its internal logic, my friends and I are not impatient to join the freedom fray. (Or at least not yet! =D)
Sexless Singaporeans
Why not do the hokey pokey?
Mostly it's a Pandora's-Box-type apprehension- Fear of unleashing a wild side and never being able to turn back. Then importantly there is this sickening measure of emptiness in lifestyle (*when practiced ad nauseum). Slaves to insatiable passions; eating and eating, never feeling full. How can one find nourishment in temporal felicities of flesh and hyperboles of sentiment? Of course they bring fun and highs, but surely they do nothing for the soul. They are poor substitutes for what I, and many others am truly looking for: To be thoroughly known, to thoroughly know the other and to be mutually beloved.
Uneasy Bedfellows
Until then, rightly or wrongly, I spend many a wild single night cohabiting with C.S.Lewis, cuddling up to hot Milo and having regular threesomes with Loneliness and Depression.
Christmas Formal Dinner

*Obviously the post presents my limited observations of the lifestyle here and may not representative or accurate of the practice of the entire community.
**Thank you to an amazing gorgeous friend who inspired most of the thinking in this post!
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