Thursday, August 15, 2013

mort de soif

How People Slowly Kill Themselves and Like It

i. I hate to think of myself as masochistic, but if I keep plucking at new scabs and old love wounds then what am I? Frantic nails scrape out those black hardened clots, desperate to unearth the dwelling place of tenderness. Tender is the feel of raw pink skin and the burn of a medium-rare heart. The skin and heart both harden to heal, leave them alone before they leave a scar.

ii. Yesterday I sat next to a girl on the train. The girl leaned into her phone, resigned, scrolling through picture after picture of pretty things, pretty travels and pretty girls. I watched her get sucked in, with each glimpse into perfect worlds awakening a silent dissatisfaction with her own. For what is Instagram but to remind us of the life we do not have? Sometimes we all like to torture ourselves.

How Easy It is to Fall in Love with Being

iii. The speed of life has increased 7-fold; it feels great to be back in school! New mornings with fresh faces and fresh schemes, packed nights with textbooks and black dreams. It is easy to feel alive when you're being whisked away on the fast lane. And so it begins, the eternal buzz of living intensively; this is Singapore after all.

iv. The great lovers of life are the readers. Fiction grew my soul. Words identify lurking feelings and single them out, giving them power. You will feel stronger, because you know how you feel. Non-fiction might be dry but good too: in understanding the world better, we might start to love it more, like when you start to notice the miracle of unrelated things coming together. It is truly all in the mind; I love fireworks and festivals but there is magic in the everyday if you start thinking in prose.

Cheryl came all the way from Southhampton to visit me at Nottingham! She is such a dependable best friend. We hopped onto a London bound train and started planning our journey (:

Went for tea with some law friends and an old tkg dancer friend, Steph Leong! Yayyyy

One night we went to an arcade at Camden with these two lovelies followed by mass VJ meetup at a bar (: Didn't take many pictures

On the third night I forced everyone to come with me to a roller disco! This was my dream after watching Howard and Raj do it in Big Bang Theory. People were decked out in ridiculous neon outfits. It was not as dancey as I thought it would be. It was like being in an ice-skating ring with dark lights and alcohol- we went slow, fell down loads and went round and round!

The next morning, Cheryl and I set out to fulfill Cheryl's childhood ambition to be a witch. Cheryl is a total Harry Potter maniac, the kind that memorizes spells and symbols etc! She mentioned it once to me a year ago how much she wanted to go to the Harry Potter studio tour. This trip, I surprised her with tickets :D Look at that smug cheeky face!

Butter Beer is really just root beer float (vanilla)

I became a little bored after the 5th hour walking around, just like how I only read 5 books of the series... FIVE HOURS of Harry Potter scenery is seriously quite enough right? sigh.. the rest of the gang were just hyped on a weird magic energy, bustling here and there ooh and ahhh and wahhhs. I loathed my crazy friends. There was a broom studio where you could sit on one and record your 'flights' around digital Hogwarts backdrops. That was my favourite!

Anyway here are some of the photos: can anyone recognise the sets? test yourself!

Did you get them all?  :D

Shall end with this Zen pose of Cheryl. Hope you girls had a great week. More on shoots soon!

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