(n.) The smell of rain on dry earth
Nothing takes us back to Singapore faster. The sweet scent of wet air; characteristic of many a childhood morning in November. The fragrance is a packaged experience. It's esse begins for those awake to hear the 4am showers, wind and thunder. They are tucked under their blankets listening to the rigorous pour; feeling safe, lucky and calmly alive.
(n.) The phenomenon of lights when eyes are pressed shut
It happens when I press my hands over my eyes, when I pressed my face into pillows or crunch my lids tight when washing my face. Lights! luminous impressions of floating nothings, passing through infinite darkness; I thought them to be a unique discovery on my part. I was then a child of 9. Now I am a 21 year old grown-up who doesn't care about phosphenes.
How long has it been? 1 decade. Since I've seen these lights? 1 month. Maybe we haven't grown out of sobbing into your hands, hiding into pillows and scrunching your eyes when soap creeps close. The human race never matures out of tears and fear, and the fear of tears
It seems proper that within the first week of coming home, Singaporean me would get straight to work with a very Singaporean boy in very Singaporean weather. The Botanic gardens was all sun and drizzle when Eugene and I took an outdoor shoot for Danny Aw, an upcoming model living in Vancouver. We were running here and there, out of rain puddles and into sun spots. Bizarre skies.
(n.) When it is sunny and raining at the same time
It seems proper that within the first week of coming home, Singaporean me would get straight to work with a very Singaporean boy in very Singaporean weather. The Botanic gardens was all sun and drizzle when Eugene and I took an outdoor shoot for Danny Aw, an upcoming model living in Vancouver. We were running here and there, out of rain puddles and into sun spots. Bizarre skies.
The arrangement was novel- it was to be a portfolio shoot for Danny's modelling future. This means it was HIS shoot, and my job was merely to 衬托 his beauty...
Hahaha! I'm so used to solo or group-of-girls shoots, so it was strange and refreshing to have a man be the protagonist for once. I loved playing second-fiddle, it was less stressful and even...relaxing!

I was told to look away, get out of focus, turn my back and other really funny things as a cameo. He was a little shy at first, but in the end Danny sure held his own!

It was a great shoot with wonderful colleagues; talented and easygoing. For future shoots, contact Danny danny_aw and photographer Eugene Soh Their respective works below:

Danny Aw

The Last Kopitiam by Eugene

I was told to look away, get out of focus, turn my back and other really funny things as a cameo. He was a little shy at first, but in the end Danny sure held his own!

Danny Aw

The Last Kopitiam by Eugene
I took the train home after the shoot. It had been a strange weather day, evoking strange weather feelings. I thought about perpetual light and occasional rain; how not all rain is physical. I thought about Shakespeare; courage to invent new words to describe the human experience. So how about:
(v.) The curse of being in the midst of summer, hosting internal rain
As in: Vanessa sunshowered to Clarity by Zedd on her mp3 in the park
As in: Thomas has turned blue from of all that sunshowering on his Balinese tanning bed
SweetHotJustice will be having a series of travel write ups before the year closes; brace yourselves for the picture storm in few months ahead! Next up: Tales of Butter Beer and wand stunts; our trip to Harry Potter Studios London.

Till next time, Have a great weekend girls!
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