Thursday, August 29, 2013


So I willingly run to the chains of memory, believing them to secure my happiness. Awake, I see my heart is bound and thoughts are tied; I'm locked out of peace and a freedom from you. At the close of beautiful things I always wonder how they can be gone when I've never let them go.

-Diary, 25/8/13, Sunday 11.12pm

Dear X-men,

You could use someone like me. You see, my mind resurrects the dead. I have the power to keep people alive, long after they are gone, long after their past selves have dissolved and disappeared in time. Friends, lovers, pets and places- If anyone desires immortality, come here to meet me, let me fall in love with you. You will not live forever, but certainly for as long as I do!

Perhaps we all have this power too (: Near, Far, Gone, Changed, Lost- Do not the ones we adore have a permanent residence in our thoughts? 

Missing the strangers and the friends </3 <3

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