The Swindle (Young) Women Want
The modern young woman has everything. They have great friends, good jobs and solid degrees. The girl you like is probably even at ease being deliciously single, sufficient unto herself. What can you give her? What sort of man fits into her life and makes her happy?
The good news is that you needn't be a sex god with a gold credit card. Girls in their early twenties are struck by romantic fever, and you can masquerade as their drug if you have the right materials.
My girlfriends and I will swear we want Dr. Stability-and-Security, but the next thing you know we're running off with Mr. Whatever-but-Whirlwind-Passion. It is all that love-pumped media we consume, and a big part of that is the things we read. They make us crave a variety of experiences, certain passions and intensities of feeling. Just what does it take to be the romantic hero to fulfill herlife early twenties?
The following sources provide an accurate, near-comprehensive description: Tumblr, Gustave Flaubert, Jeanette Winterson, Alain De Botton, Nicole Krauss, Paulo Coelho, Jane Austen, Julian Barnes.
The good news is that you needn't be a sex god with a gold credit card. Girls in their early twenties are struck by romantic fever, and you can masquerade as their drug if you have the right materials.
My girlfriends and I will swear we want Dr. Stability-and-Security, but the next thing you know we're running off with Mr. Whatever-but-Whirlwind-Passion. It is all that love-pumped media we consume, and a big part of that is the things we read. They make us crave a variety of experiences, certain passions and intensities of feeling. Just what does it take to be the romantic hero to fulfill her
The following sources provide an accurate, near-comprehensive description: Tumblr, Gustave Flaubert, Jeanette Winterson, Alain De Botton, Nicole Krauss, Paulo Coelho, Jane Austen, Julian Barnes.
The Great Literary Divide
Of course we get textually frustrated! Chances are, if you are a man you were not able to name ANY 5 books written by those authors. Yet these soulful paperback gems are the staple of many a young girl anywhere. Men read Liars Poker, Game of Thrones, Rich Dad Poor Dad..
Our thoughts and expectations inevitably expand along divergent paths
There is a great deal of overlap in our readings, but not where it counts. Yes we read news and Yes we read bestsellers. But when it comes to love and relationships, the sexes read different books. Or rather the men are NOT READING love-themed books at all. At the most, they've read 50 Shades of Grey, and even then I bet they didn't finish it.
If men do not fill their heads with books depicting what girls like, how are they supposed to know and become what we deeply and truly want?
Love Them Anyway, Do Not Settle
Yes, they'll get away with sweet small gestures and occasional expensive dinners. They might even make you very very happy. But why be happy, when both of you can be ecstatic? Imagine if they connected to us better by reading some of what we read and lived it out for us.
Understanding and fufilling you can only add to his competence as a person. Ask your guy friends to start reading your favourite books on love. There is no taboo or shyness-What is life but the constant reinvention of ourselves? Someday he might make a girl very very pleased.
So girls, Help your boyfriend! Help men fulfill your deepest emotional yearnings, the way only a girl can now...=P
Understanding and fufilling you can only add to his competence as a person. Ask your guy friends to start reading your favourite books on love. There is no taboo or shyness-What is life but the constant reinvention of ourselves? Someday he might make a girl very very pleased.
So girls, Help your boyfriend! Help men fulfill your deepest emotional yearnings, the way only a girl can now...=P
In turn, you could pick up a copy of whatever it is they read. (: Textual Tension, something to think about.
Presenting, Versatile Closet's first ever launch! It was an absolute honour working with Vanessa who has a taste for understated and very wearable clothes. The materials were particularly good! My favourite was the navy blue collared skater, absolutely smart casual.
Here are some of the preview pictures! stocks out for skater dress at

Ps: Girls, do you know anyone who actually read and could name at least 5 of the books? Keep him for yourself!
Next up on SweetHotJustice: 'I M NIKON DAY' PHOTOGRAPHY SHOWCASE 2013! Join my girlfriends and I at our recent stint at this knock-out event!

Have a great week girlies!

Have a great week girlies!
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